Monday, May 25, 2009

PAX '09

Hello all (or possibly none), this post is breaking my recent habit of post once every month. The reason it is breaking this is because it is a post of pure elation and awesomeness! What is causing this you ask? Why it's the fact that I am going to PAX '09 this September! What is PAX you say? Why it is the Penny Arcade eXpo! What is the Penny Arcade eXpo you say? ...Well it's kinda... Just go here and find out! Anyways, it's September 4-6 which is a long way off but it's going to be totally awesome! It's also going to have several major game developers there such as Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft, EA, etc. So when the time comes I will post about my great time there and the massive amounts of swag I will get, but until then all you'll have is this post. So sad.

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